a family with a young girl in the middle between two parents, and a young boy looking up at all three

Autism Research, Training and Resources

The University of Kansas Center for Autism Research and Training (KCART) aims to advocate for and support autistic people, individuals with related neurodevelopmental issues, and their families across the lifespan. We conduct rigorous, equitable research, train professionals and families, and connect autistic individuals and their families with clinical, educational, and community resources.

A woman speaks at a podium on a stage at a conference

Autism Across the Life Span

This one-day conference on March 14, 2025, is presented by the Kansas Center for Autism Research & Training, Autism Across the Life Span brings together families, autistic individuals, researchers, educators, clinicians, providers and students.

Autism Across the Life Span 2025


Our research is focused on understanding the many causes of autism, and developing interventions and supports for children, adults and families affected by autism.
Scientist Kathryn Unruh who has medium-length brown hair is sharing findings at an autism conference


We offer training and mentoring to students across all levels of training from undergraduates to graduate to postdoctoral fellows. We also develop and provide research-based training to professionals, parents and caregivers.
A woman with gray hair is in a conference room looking at an autism conference program


We provide resources for families, children and adults and connect them to providers.
A woman with gray hair tied back is on the floor with two girls playing with a puzzle.

Join our research community

Participate in a KU study: You can increase knowledge about autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities and help us develop new, more effective approaches to supporting autistic individuals and their families.